Ok, it's not a surprise, I'm not a cat person. I never have been. There have been dogs in my life which make it impossible for me to be a cat person EVER. HOWEVER, I do not wish any harm to any animal... People that feed feral cats make me CRAZY! The cat's loose about 10 years off their lives, house cats can live into their teens, but feral cats are lucky to make it to 5 years old. There's cars, dogs, poison, cold, disease, etc.... Feeding them, allowing them to breed and wander is not helping them!!
Why am I frustrated???? Tonight I came home to find a 4 month old kitten huddled in the corner of my yard - Chip of course wanted to kill it, but Apache (THANK GOD) didn't notice it right away. I wondered why said kitten didn't take off when Chip was trying to bite him as he was huddled against my fence, & once I got the dogs in the house, I saw why. This poor little terrified kitten had it's head wedged/trapped inside a can!!! It must have been fighting it most of the day because it barely moved when I approached it. I even touched it and it didn't move. With some help from another neighbor, I got this into one of Chip's carriers and over to the Western PA Humane Society. They got the can off of it's head, and it took of like it was shot out of a cannon...they caught it in a net and put it in a cage over night. If it calms down, they'll put it up for adoption....but it would have starved to death or been killed by another animal - HOW IS THAT HELPING!?!??! Spay and Neuter your pets - and for crying out loud, keep them inside & be responsible! Sorry, had to vent. Thank God for open door shelters!!
Trio at the park

My 'Fur Kids', I wouldn't trade them for the world - today anyway
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