The pigmy of the group, and the 'latest' addition. Chippewa is the little Silky Terrier (no, he is not a Yorkie on steriods). A Silky Terrier was developed by crossing a Yorkshire Terrier with a Australian Terrier, to get a larger, more aggressive & hardier Terrier, that still had a soft coat.
He's a monster and a wild man, but cute. Chip is also a rescue (notice a theme here??). He is what I used to call (when I worked at a shelter) a "Petland reject". He was purchased at Petland for over $1,000 as a pet for a 6 year old. They kept him for about 3 months, during which time the child dislocated his shoulder and broke his foot, & the puppy started biting anything that touched him, so they then dumped at the shelter. He started out with me with the typical terrier reaction, if it scares you - bite it, if it excites you - bite it, if it startles you - bite it! It's been a while (3 years now) and I've been working with him a lot. He now has his CGC (Canine Good Citizen) and we're working on a Rally title - hopefully soon a CD obedience title. He's also been introduced to Agility, didn't care much for the whole Earthdog/ratting thing though. He'll be busy, and I think he likes/needs that the most.
He is, however, amazing comic relief and truly adorable. He still has a dislike of children, if they're too excited/loud, but generally, if I have kids over, he will only greet them with a toy in his mouth, as I've taught him that's a guaranteed way to stay out of trouble. He can't bite with a mouth that's already full! He is also jealous of the other dogs, the phone and even the computer. When I finish typing this, there will be EVERY toy in the house lying at my feet, as he tries to entice me to stop whatever it is I'm doing and play with him. He also 'talks' when he wants attention - which is whenever he's not getting it LOL!!
Apache has learned not to pick him up and shake him (which was a close call the first time I tried to cut Chip's nails and he tried to bite me). When Apache tires of him, he picks him up by his collar, carries him into the kitchen, & unceremoniously dumps him right on his butt and walks away!
Trio at the park

My 'Fur Kids', I wouldn't trade them for the world - today anyway
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