Where to begin.... Apache is having on and off issues, but I do have a 'new' connection for getting his rabbit & it's already ground!! YAY!! I don't care how much you love your dog, it's still a bit freaky to watch him gnawing on a carcass (not to mention messy). He's actually doing pretty ok though.
Chip had a minor/major issue on Valentines Day. He spent the night (& $600) at the emergency clinic. Horrific diahrrea that was pure blood by the next day. Little bugger almost died. Then, on the way to pick him up, I actually rear ended someone (at a low rate of speed on an on ramp), so it was a VERY expensive weekend all the way around. The funny part was, the night I called to check on him, they told me how sweet and wonderful he was - I immediately knew he was really sick. When I went to pick him up, they couldn't get him out fast enough. I could hear him squalling in the waiting room, so I was pretty sure he was feeling better.
Chey went through something similiar to Chip, but not a severe. She recovered well, but it is a bit scary since she's so blasted OLD. What's up with that, they're not supposed to get old (neither are we!).
Common denominator on all my dog's sicknesses (repeating sicknesses), has been my new neighbors demonic children. They are apparently too lazy to through food away from their bedrooms, so they just open the window and throw it into my yard. I've found everything from pizza crusts, to gum, to chocolate donuts... Chey will eat ANYTHING she finds, so I have to walk the yard (at night, with a flashlight) and look to see what lovely 'presents' I can find before the dogs do. Luckily, since so MANY foods make Apache sick, he will rarely actually eat anything. He just picks it up and walks towards me, and spits it out as soon as I ask him. It just SUCKS - the kids are rotten, and they race along the outside of my fence, and if the dog's don't react or bark, they BARK AT THE DOGS!! And people wonder why I say I don't like kids....
Trio at the park

My 'Fur Kids', I wouldn't trade them for the world - today anyway
Sunday, May 3, 2009
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